Learning and training
The training workshops bring the languages of contemporary art closer to educational contexts through an experiential, active and transdisciplinary approach.
Our educational approach situates the embodiment into inner to the learning processes, promoting ludic and experiential environments where explore the corporal, plastic, effective and relational possibilities of the contemporary arts.
The training workshops bring the languages of contemporary art closer to educational contexts through an experiential, active and transdisciplinary approach.
Our educational approach situates the embodiment into inner to the learning processes, promoting ludic and experiential environments where explore the corporal, plastic, effective and relational possibilities of the contemporary arts.
︎ Connecting art and education
Our work blends artistic and educational approaches to connect the practices and thinking from both fields.
︎ Developing a transdisciplinary environment
Our learning workshops are based on a transdisciplinary game that allows for spaces of dialogue and circulation between the performing, visual and plastic arts.
︎ Learning by doing
We propose a kind of performative pedagogy in which there is no difference between the acting subject, the speaking subject and the thinking subject.
Our work blends artistic and educational approaches to connect the practices and thinking from both fields.
︎ Developing a transdisciplinary environment
Our learning workshops are based on a transdisciplinary game that allows for spaces of dialogue and circulation between the performing, visual and plastic arts.
︎ Learning by doing
We propose a kind of performative pedagogy in which there is no difference between the acting subject, the speaking subject and the thinking subject.
︎ Visibilising artistic genealogies
We share all artistic and pedagogical references according to the ethics of open-source practices.
︎Promoting transversal learnings
We understand art as a space for learning and experimentation that goes beyond instrumental reason and proposes the integral development of human sensitivity.
We share all artistic and pedagogical references according to the ethics of open-source practices.
︎Promoting transversal learnings
We understand art as a space for learning and experimentation that goes beyond instrumental reason and proposes the integral development of human sensitivity.

Affective Geometries
Training course I art-educationAffective geometries propose a sensitive re-reading of abstract grammar through the creation of living patterns that situate the body and its movement within the work of form, line and colour. This training proposes a transdisciplinary space where formal work is literally traversed by the axiomatic of the body, movement and affects, developing strategies to relate patterns, structures and living forms with the art of painting, architecture, sculpture and installation.
Artistic referents: Lygia Clark, Sol Lewitt, Monika Grzymala, Àngels Ribé, Piet Mondrian, Senga Nengudi, Bernard Piffaretti, Sophie Taeuber‑Arp, Kazimir Malèvitx, etc.
︎ Workshop pictures

Training course I art-education[Dis]plays proposes a multidisciplinary work space based on the plastic, choreographic and sculptural possibilities of textile materials. This training course proposes an exploration of the plasticity of form through various textile artefacts that relate the body to the disciplines of sculpture, dance and architecture.
Artistic referents: Loie Fuller, Isadora Duncan, Erwin Wurm, La Ribot, Trisha Brown, Lois Bourgeois, Christo Vladimirov, René Magritte, Joan Miró, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, etc.
︎ Workshop pictures

Experimental scores
Training course I art-educationExperimental scores proposes a creative dialogue between drawing, dance and music based on the concept of score. This training blurs the boundaries between the arts, shifting their interpretative codes to reveal unusual relationships between the graphic aspects - the stroke, the scribble, the trace and the sign- and the movement of the body.
Artistic referents: Trisha Brown, Pablo Picasso, Ivonne Rainer, Anna Teresa De Keersmaeker, Helena Almeida, Yves Klein, Tony Orrico, Merce Cunningham, Fernand Deligny, Cy Twombly, etc.
︎ Video
︎ Workshop pictures

A manual of actions to shake up the cityTraining course I art-education
PLAYgrounds is a book of scores to initiate a process of exploration of the city that contains practices based on performance art and public art. This training course takes the form of a set of scores to introduce adults, children and teenagers in a fun way to some reflections on the spaces of the city and the way they affect our lives.
Artistic referents: Guy Debord, Carole Douillard, Italo Calvino, Georges Perec, Àngels Ribé, Erwin Wurm, Allan Kaprow, Francis Alÿs, etc.
︎ Research
︎︎︎ Workshop pictures